Celebrating health and community at Capable Communities’ annual Healthy Living Event

In June, we hosted our annual healthy living event, and it was a wonderful day! It was lovely weather and we had a fantastic turnout, we aimed not only to promote a healthier lifestyle but also to ease social isolation among older adults. Planned and executed by our talented Activities Manager, Rikisha with the help of the rest of the team, the event was filled with fun, laughter, and a sense of community.

We kicked things off with a seated yoga session that left everyone feeling blissful and relaxed. Then, our multi-talented Director, Steve Porter, led a very engaging creative writing workshop. This session brought out some hilarious storytelling that had everyone laughing!

After a short tea and snack break, the lovely Nazerene took the stage for an interactive singing session. The atmosphere was electric as some of our clients even got up to dance. Spirits were high, and even the staff couldn’t resist joining in for a little dance.

With our appetites worked up, it was time for lunch. We enjoyed a delicious, healthy, Indian-inspired feast that everyone loved!

In the afternoon, Ricky led a chair-based exercise session, which was a perfect way to help digest our lunch. Finally, the event wrapped up with an inspiring motivational talk by Nayesh, which left everyone feeling uplifted and positive.

Our Healthy Living Event isn’t just about promoting a healthier lifestyle; it’s also a wonderful opportunity to combat social isolation, especially among older adults who might be less inclined to meet in a group setting. We were thrilled to see so many people come together, enjoy themselves, and connect with each other.

We can’t wait to host this event again and continue our mission of fostering a holistic approach to life while providing a great time for our clients. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made the day so special!

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